Friday 20 April 2012

Not the one also

looks like he is not the one also.......

I better not bother him then......

Otherwise, I'll hurt myself evenmore for trying to be close....

Back to the foreveralone case again, looks like no one is going to be there for me....

Maybe I shouldn't get my hopes high again. After all, none of the case has succeeded.

Is it okay to close the heart now??....................

I guess I'm a bad person afterall...

failed my grades, interview and relationship..........

Tuesday 17 April 2012

Praying for other's success

Why is it so hard?!?!

Praying for someone's success and reminded about own's failure at the same time....

Have I pick the wrong company? or is the problem with me? Why they never announced the reason?

I think I'm going crazy, at least let me know.....

It is so hard to have good friends, you just cannot wish them to fail or have them be in your current status.

I must stay strong.......

For when I'm weak, then I am strong.....